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Be on cloud nine 9번 구름 위에 있다? X 무슨 뜻?

by 억척언니 2023. 11. 23.




오늘은 원어민의 대화 속에서 자주 들리는 'be on cloud nine' 표현의 뜻을 알아보겠습니다. 



캠브리지 사전 

Cambridge Dictionary 

Be on cloud nine 
: to be extremely happy and excited 


- Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" 

"Pleased? She was on cloud nine!" 


Synonyms, antonyms, and examples 


feeling or showing pleasure 

- happy / I'm much happier in my new job. 

- cheerful / She's always very cheerful. 

- in a good mood / You're in a good mood this morning! 

- pleased / He was pleased that she had come back. 

- glad / I was so glad to see her. 


"on cloud nine" - informally to say that someone is extremely happy because something good has happened. 


I was on cloud nine after being offered the job. 


9번 구름? 

더할 나위 없이 행복해 라는 뜻으로, I'm on cloud nine. 이라고 하는데,  a state of perfect happiness 라고 정리할 수 있습니다. 

기분 최고야! 


- We are in love on cloud nine. 

- You feel like floating on cloud nine. 

- I'm on cloud nine! I was pretty much on cloud nine! 

- I bet you were just on cloud nine! 

- He was on cloud nine after the birth of his son. 

- They were on cloud nine when their team won the championship. 

- She was on cloud nine after winning the competition. 

- When Michael was born I was on cloud nine. 





기원,  유래 


아틀라스  - 9번 구름은 최상층의 구름. 가장 높은 단계의 행복. 최상층부를 cloud nine! 이라고 부르는 데서 유래했다는 설도 있음.


- I feel like a million bucks. 

- I'm on top of the world. 



"I've been on cloud nine ever since I landed my dream job." 



- She is in seventh heaven. (extremely happy) 

7번째 하늘나라 즉 천국에 있다라는 말처럼 그만큼 기분이 좋다라는 뜻.


* Recent examples on the web. 


Taylor Swift is still riding cloud nine after spending the weekend performing in her hometown. 

- Tomas Mier, Rolling Stone, 16 May 2023 


Flaim has been skating on cloud nine ever since. 

- Sandiego Union-Tribune, 7 Feb. 2023


It's been quite a week for Rhea Seehorn as the actor is still on cloud nine follwing not one but two Emmy nominations for her performances on AMC's Better Call Saul and Cooper's Bar. 

- Brian Davids, The hollywood Reporter, 18 July 2022 
