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I have got a crush on one guy. I don't know what to do. 상황별 영어 표현 배우기

by 억척언니 2023. 11. 21.

오늘은 누군가에게 반해서 혼자 좋아하게 된 친구의 이야기를 들어주는 대화를 연습해 볼게요. 



1. 대화 시작하기


"Asking advices"

A : Hey guys ! I need your advice. 

B : Sure thing! What's up? 


"Sharing exciting news"

A : Hey, you won't believe what happened today! 

A : Guess what?



B : What's up? Spill the tea!




2. crush 

* definition : a strong but temporary feeling of liking someone

Have a crush on ~ : ~ 에게 반하다. 

have got a crush on ~ 


A : I have a crush on this guy and I don't know what to do. 

B : Wow! What's he like? Yeah. Tell me all about him. 

A : Well, he is cute and funny. We have a lot of common interests. I really like him. 


More examples) 

반한사람, 좋아하는 것 같은 사람이 생겼어. 

I think I have a major crush on James. 


그에게 말을 해볼까 생각하는데, 좀 무서워. 

I've been thinking about telling James I like him, but I'm scared. 


축하해. 진짜? 말도안돼! 

No way! That's incredible! Congratulations! 

Really? That's awesome! 


무슨 일인지 말해봐! 

Spill the tea. Tell me all about him. 


* Spill the tea! 

It's like telling a secret or spreading gossips or something like that

비밀을 털어 놓는다.

cf) spill the beans! 
의도치 않게 실수로 비밀을 말하게 되다.



그 사람은 ~~~ 해. 

He's just so... amazing. 

He's great, really supportive and caring. 



3. I don't know / I am not sure + if S + V ? What should I do? 


But I don't know if he likes me back. What should I do? 

A : I think you should just confess to him directly. 

Tell him how you feel. 

B : But... what if he doesn't like me? 

A : At least you'll know for sure. 

B : Tell him how you feel. 

A : But I'm still nervous. I'm scared of rejection and it will ruin our friendship. 

What if he thinks it's weird? 



* ~ 하면 어떡해. 

What if he doesn't feel the same way? 

What if he doesn't like me? 

What if he thinks it's weird? 

I don't want to make things awkward if he doesn't like me back. 

What if he says no? 


* ~할까봐 걱정돼.

I'm worried he'll reject me. 


* 걔도 나를 좋아하는지 모르겠어. 

I can't tell if he's into me. 


* ~하는 게 어때? 나는 네가 ~~해야할 것 같아. (충고하기) 

I think you should tell him how you feel. 

It's a risk, but it's better to know than wornder 'what if'."

Why not just ask him directly? 



4. 진심어린 충고하고 올바른 선택을 하도록 설득하기.


B : Trust me. Just be yourself. What if he likes you too? You'll never know until you ask.

또는 (I understand. But who knows?)

He might feel the same way about you. And if he doesn't, it's better to know sooner rather than later

You can move on and find someone who does appreciate you. 

A : I want to ask him out, but I don't want to seem too forward. 

B : How about something casual like coffee or dinner?

A : That sounds nice. What if he says now? 

B : Then at least you tried. But I have a feeling he'll say yes! 

A : You are right. I think I know what I need to do now. Thanks!

B : Anytime! Good luck! 







