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English learning through script

Introducing myself with my vision.

by 억척언니 2023. 11. 11.


I'm Ms. Ugg, Uggcheok onni, a passionate individual with a love for various interests. 

By day, I have my full-time work. 

Outside of work, I immerse myself in blogging about economics and daily life for a more fulfilling existence in my golden years. 

My evenings are often spent delving into the world of English study and crafting engaging video clips for my SNS. 

Movies and K-dramas hold a special place in my heart;they are my go-to relaxation and inspiration source. 


One of my dreams is to establish my own global branding company named Uggcheokonni. 

I find joy in studying English, constantly striving to improve my language skills and connect with a wider audience. 

Creating video content allows me to merge my passion for storytelling with my interest in English communication. 

A an avid blogger, I explore economic concepts and daily issues, aiming to enhance the quality of life, particularly in later stages. My knack for dissecting economic intricacies often translates into valuable insights in my blog posts. 


On weekends, you'll likely find me engrossed in K-dramas, appreciating the storytelling nuances and cultural richness. 

English language learning is not just a hobby; it's a journey that I cherish, leading to meaningful connections and global perspectives. My proficiency in English aids my blogging, allowing me to convey ideas more eloquently and connect with a diverse audience. 

Crafting video clips for my SNS is a creative outlet where I weave together my love for visuals and storytelling. The dream of establishing Uggcheokonniworldwide fuels my entrepreneuirial spirit and desire to make a lasting impact. 


I believe that economic literacy is a pathway to empowering individuals and fostering societal progress. 

Sharing insights on my blog and SNS is my way of contributing to a more informed and interconnected community. The diversity in movies and dramas aligns with my goal of creating content that resonates universally. Conversations, whether about economics or daily life, captivate me, and I can talk for hours on a myriad of topics. With each blog post, video clips, and English study session, I am one step closer to realizing my dream of a globally recognized branding company - Uggcheokonni. 

